Library Cards

Resident Card

Free to Liberty Township residents with proof of address. The Library is supported through residents’ payments of income and property taxes. Gifts, fines and fees provide additional revenue.

Persons owning real estate or other property in Clayton and/or Liberty Township but do not live in the library district are also eligible for a free Resident Card. Tax receipt required for proof.

Clayton Library is a part of Evergreen Indiana, a growing consortium of over 100 public, school and institutional libraries located throughout Indiana that use the Evergreen ILS. This resource sharing initiative provides cost savings for the library and access to almost 8 million items for over 1 million Indiana residents.

Additional Library Card Options

Reciprocal Borrower Information

We honor a borrower’s card issued by any of the Hendricks County LibrariesWe reserve the right to check a patron’s status with his or her home library and may decline services if the patron is not in good standing.

Non-Resident Card and Fee

Patrons who reside in an area of the state that does not have a public library may purchase a membership in any Indiana public library.

Annual fees are based on the taxes a resident pays to support the library.  The 2021 CLTPL fee for a non-resident card is $55.

MCCSC Teacher Card

Teachers in the Mill Creek School Corporation who reside outside of Liberty Township are exempt from the annual Non-Resident Card fee.

Student Card

Students in the Mill Creek School Corporation as well as homeschooled students who reside outside of Liberty Township are exempt from the annual Non-Resident Card fee.


This card allows access to any public library in Indiana. Application is available to any resident or non-resident cardholder. The Indiana State Library sets the annual PLAC fee.


5199 Iowa Street
Clayton, IN 46118


Phone:  (317) 539-2991
Fax:  (317) 539-2050


Monday:  10 am - 7 pm
Tuesday: 10 am - 7 pm
Wednesday:  Closed
Thursday: 10 am - 7 pm
Friday: 10 am - 5 pm
Saturday:  9am - 1pm
Sunday:  Closed