Junk Boat Challenge

Clayton Library

For ages 7-12 Can you or your group design a boat out of “junk” that can float? Will yours hold the most passengers? Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdp2UQKfc8MBZPMxmaGieskJSDHjatzXj9WTSpo6Z7UJBfJUA/viewform

Preschool Storytime

Clayton Library

For ages 0-6 The Rainbow Fish storytime and craft

Family Game Night

Clayton Library

Have BIG fun at the library with your family, when you come to play our new oversized games! Play giant Jenga, big Connect 4, mega dominoes, large match game, bean bag toss and more! Also, Frigid Frog and More will be at CLTPL for participants to purchase while they play. Parents must accompany children. No […]

Junk Boat Challenge

Clayton Library

For ages 7-12 Can you or your group design a boat out of “junk” that can float? Will yours hold the most passengers? Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdp2UQKfc8MBZPMxmaGieskJSDHjatzXj9WTSpo6Z7UJBfJUA/viewform

Preschool Storytime

Clayton Library

For ages 0-6 Boats Will Float storytime and craft

Marble Maze

For ages 7-12 Using Legos, can you or your group design a maze on your Lego board for your marble to go through? How hard can you make the maze? Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfyuAY1HGx-9H1PH3g_sGAmo1h1kMoUAeXTFbuYDEuUL7hTyQ/viewform

Cork Raft Building

Clayton Library

For ages 7-12 Using cork bottle stoppers, can you build a raft that can travel in the water with two Lego people? Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScJeqItSCqS71z8tPtprevm-4CIPTqfwQK1LrJwTw6pi6aC3A/viewform

Teen Minute-To-Win-It Water Games

Clayton Library

For ages 13-18 Let's dive into our summer reading theme with "Minute To Win It" water-based games! Compete against others in our outdoor challenge of fast-paced games. Note: because almost all games will include water, be sure to dress appropriately in the event of a spill! Winners will receive a packet of McDonald's coupons as […]

Adult Book Tasting

Clayton Library

For ages 18+ Enjoy coffee & sweet treats while you browse our “menu” of great reads!

Cork Raft Building

Clayton Library

For ages 7-12 Using cork bottle stoppers, can you build a raft that can travel in the water with two Lego people? Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScJeqItSCqS71z8tPtprevm-4CIPTqfwQK1LrJwTw6pi6aC3A/viewform

Preschool Storytime

Clayton Library

For ages 0-6 Henny Penny Lenny Denny and Mike storytime and craft

Teen Book Tasting

Clayton Library

For ages 13-18 See our menu of teen books, ready for you to check out and read! Enjoy snacks as you browse various genres of teen materials. You'll even have the chance to add to our "menu" by suggesting additional items for our library! Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSepB7Sohmuks6mvVaqY4NDP6RK1MhppWWTxWc75RCci2UPl3g/viewform?usp=sf_link